How much for your movement's nom de plume?
None of this is to say that New Formalism / New Narrative are poetic movements that lack virtue or verve; quite the contrary, I think that these schools stood and stand as necessary corrective measures to the overabundances of confessional, Deep Image, et. al. schools of free verse that came to monopolize the market after your Eliots and Pounds but mostly after your Lowells and most recently especially your Collinses. Yay for meter & rhyme redivivus, in short - especially when aimed toward the (post)modern situation. In general, of course, this is not the poetry this American moment requires... another story, that; more to the point, why, why, did they have to term this movement "Expansive" when it is anything but, and when, most of all, it would have an ideal term for the theory and praxis I am now daily laboring to craft and authenticate, which is a hard row to hoe with no catchy term for the late-night circuit to bandy about? Because, as we all know the renegade avant-gardists know, "Have term for school of poetics, will bandy."