Disruptive Juxtaposition

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Speak Yugoslavian?

If you speak Yugoslavian and have any desire to help me out on a translation project, please let me know. I realize the small audience of this site might make the odds of your speaking Yugoslavian relatively small, but maybe your dad's friend's uncle's old roommate's lawyer's estranged son summered in I dunno Corfu or somewhere like.


  • Babelfish'll totally get you close enough. You'll never get found out -- no one actually speaks that language anyway.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:31 PM  

  • They speak Greek in Corfu.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:47 PM  

  • And there is no Yugoslavian language. You may be thinking of Serbo-Croatian.

    By Blogger Vance Maverick, at 1:47 PM  

  • There IS a Yugoslavian language. My boyfriends father and grandmother both speak it, and they were born and raised there. However, I'm not much help since I just nod everytime they say something to me in Yugoslavian. (: good luck.

    By Blogger Em (:, at 10:42 AM  

  • my boyfriend is from yugoslavia and speaks yugoslavian

    By Anonymous sarah, at 10:47 AM  

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