Rocky's gunning for Drago
Background music to my blogging.
You know, freshman-year-at-college though it may have been, passing around The Stick has blown me into a whole assortment of blogs I would never have otherwise found. And it occurred to me over the course of these meanderings that there are droves of killingly smart, entertaining people out there, many of them poets. You may even be one of them. If you are, if you're not, drop me a note, drop me a blog address, take issue with my Rain Mannish takes on postmodern theory &c, whatever. You're just interesting people, is all, and I'm glad to hear from - meet, you might say - every one of you.
I haven't seen this Rocky before. I suspect, after a difficult bout and veering near to unconsciousness / blood-induced blindness, Rocky prevails. The Soviets sure get a bad rap, don't they? Too bad: the Soviets might have been my people, and I don't begrudge them a thing.
You know, freshman-year-at-college though it may have been, passing around The Stick has blown me into a whole assortment of blogs I would never have otherwise found. And it occurred to me over the course of these meanderings that there are droves of killingly smart, entertaining people out there, many of them poets. You may even be one of them. If you are, if you're not, drop me a note, drop me a blog address, take issue with my Rain Mannish takes on postmodern theory &c, whatever. You're just interesting people, is all, and I'm glad to hear from - meet, you might say - every one of you.
I haven't seen this Rocky before. I suspect, after a difficult bout and veering near to unconsciousness / blood-induced blindness, Rocky prevails. The Soviets sure get a bad rap, don't they? Too bad: the Soviets might have been my people, and I don't begrudge them a thing.
There has been an outbreak of Ron Sillyman allegations of LANGUAGE poetry theft, which I have addressed on my blog today, as me and ron go way back to the sound of the swingin' 60's when we were both just a pair of chancers
Anonymous, at 12:51 PM
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